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Heart to Hear Therapy

At DIB you will find meaningful solutions to questions that pop up in your curious or confused mind.

Save your Date with the Doyen: 

Sandeep Vig , author of Divorce is Beautiful & Sometimes Marriages too... and your Divorce Doyen will sit through consultations , lend his ear to your Divorce related or other relationship issues and find you the best cure to your problem.

Are you thinking about Relationship Issues? 

Why are Indian marriages falling apart easily?

How can I overcome the phobia of commitment ?

What are the best ways to revive a decaying relationship? 

How will the decision of divorce affect my personality?  


These and more questions create doubts in you. Clear your minds of these limiting questions and ask for expert assistance opting for Heart to Hear Therapies where you will : Talk ---- Take -Away ----Transcend 



  • Tell your side of Story 

  • Experience Uninterrupted Listening 

  • Open up at Ease 

  • Confide with Faith 

  • Fearless & Guilt-free Narration 



  • Curative & Constructive Feedback

  • Consultation involving Real Stories 

  • Stepwise Unbiased Case Diagnosis 

  • Practically implementable Solutions 

  • Balanced Review & Recommendations 



  • Get more clarity about future actions 

  • Take control of your situation 

  • Shift focus to Self -Empowerment 

  • Connect with community with purpose 

  • Be your own Spiritual Master 

Our Services

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