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D for Divorce

Updated: Jun 14, 2021


Isn’t this life hack word often associated with dread and discomfort?

There is often lack of discernment and insight to understand what Divorce is if one hasn’t experienced it. The word divorce hits like a storm, a cuss word or a socially tabooed term. If we go along the time line, societies in the world have been witnessing constant flux which has made relationships more entangled and unstable than before. There is a greater intolerance towards continuing long- term togetherness, somehow dragging the relationship into some direction but not reaching any destination. In this journey, deciding to divorce becomes an uncontested choice when saturation sets in. At this stage, one should do a reality check with these 12 Ds. Just the way twelve months of a year guide your life, these twelve Ds will guide your actions:

· Disclosure : Do I need self -disclosure to understand my situation?

· Delusion : Which all misconceptions am I clearing up while deciding to take a divorce?

· Deception : Am I aware of that I been deceived all the while ?

· Disappointments & Despair: In what ways can I handle my disappointments and despair?

· Décor : In what ways can I decorate my new life ?

· Determination : How can I increase my determination to move ahead with clarity and strength?

· Depth: Have I experienced my own depth in my current situation ?

· Desire : How much effort am I going to make to fulfill my desires ?

· Denounce: What all habits do I need to give up for a reformed personality?

· Dictate: How do I dictate my terms with my new found self ?

· Declutter : How do I make a shift to a more decluttered life ?

· Depute : Where all can I depute myself to become more empowered ?

These 12 Ds will pave a path for life after divorce for a smoother ride and remove the overhauling dilemma and doubts.

Don’t feel DAUNTED by Divorce …..just DEBUNK the fear and DRIVE your wagon on new pathways !

Divorce is Beautiful , So are you !

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